San Ysidro Health Center, Inc. is not yet ready to handle payments.


by San Ysidro Health Center, Inc.

My name is Alejandro.
I was just starting my career as a passionate, young artist here in San Diego. I had a degree from an Ivy League school, and I was excited about my life . . .

Then, a terrible health crisis shattered my world. In fact, I thought I was going to die.

And, it gets worse . . .

I was abruptly released from the hospital where I was receiving treatment when they uttered the shocking words, “Your insurance doesn’t cover this.”

I was devastated and so scared . . .

Still weak and very ill, I was stranded without follow-up treatment or medication for the intense pain.

They referred me to a specialist, but it would take 45 days to get in . . .

It was my darkest hour, and I desperately needed help.

Thankfully, someone I think of as a guardian angel just happened to be there. She saw my despair and told me about San Ysidro Health . . .

Truthfully, San Ysidro Health saved my life — and thanks to generous friends like you, other patients like me are not rejected due to insurance problem.

More than 92,000 of our community’s underserved patients from all walks of life find care and healing at San Ysidro Health.

And they receive the highest quality of care through a vast network of clinic and program sites across our region regardless of their insurance status or ability to pay.

San Ysidro Health has always relied on public funding, but that is drying up.

So, it’s time to give back. My heart is breaking, and that’s why I am asking you to open yours.

This amazing healthcare organization made all the difference to me, and that’s why I have joined other grateful patients to create a matching challenge to encourage your help now.

Your generous gift will make a lifesaving difference — and it will go TWICE AS FAR when you send it in by Dec. 31, 2017.

Don’t delay. Because, who knows what cuts or events in Washington, D.C. — or in our own backyard will exclude those who suffer most in our community.

Please join the CREATE HOPE & HEALTH Matching Challenge.

Every gift you send until the end of this year DOUBLES instantly up to $15,000 to provide essential care like I received.

I am a healthy, successful artist and art dealer today, and I would not be here if it weren’t for San Ysidro Health.

I am filled with gratitude, and I invite you to help me create something important — hope and health . . . for thousands of our neighbors and friends.

From urgent care to pediatrics . . . women’s services to behavioral health . . . dental services to senior services, San Ysidro Health removes the barriers to care for so many who have no other options.

This has never meant more than it does right now, as countless children and
families overflow their facilities each day . . . and the numbers are growing.

Thank you for opening your heart — and responding in love to this amazing Matching Challenge that will create hope and health for so many lives on the edge.

In gratitude,

Alejandro Rojas Salazar
Artist and San Ysidro Health Patient